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Reservation Policy


(1) 入住前一週告知詳細入住方式,提供鑰匙盒密碼自助入住。
(2) 入住時間下午4點後、退房時間早上11點前,請勿延遲退房以免影響下一組旅客權益。
(3) 全程自助服務,無管家於現場,不含【保管行李】、【代收包裹】、【提早入住/延遲退房】、【代訂餐廳】服務。
(4) 退房手續:退房後請將鑰匙放回鑰匙盒內。離開前檢查個人物品與行李是否帶齊,關妥電器電源與門窗即可。

【About Check-in/Check-out】

1. We will send you the check-in info one week before arrive.

2. Check-in time: 16:00. Check-out time: before 11:00.

3. Self check-in. We don't have a reception counter. No luggage storage, parcel collecting, reservation of restaurant.

4. Drop the key back into the key box when check-out and make sure take all your belongings with you.

【※ 必讀重要注意事項 ※】 
1. 延遲退房將有費用產生,請留意退房時間。
2. 建議自駕前往。(公車到市區以外的地方均不是很方便)
自駕開車請遵守日本的交通規則。 酒後駕車和無駕駛執照在日本嚴格禁止!罰鍰很重。 

4.本民宿採自助入住,房東不住沖繩本島您將不會遇到房東,入住前有任何問題或需求都可以 EMAILFacebookLINE 私訊,提前與我們聯繫。


【Important things before booking】

1. There is no late check-out available. In case of late check-out, there will be additional charges. 
2. The best way to travel in Okinawa is driving. And while driving in Okinawa you should follow the traffic rules of Japan. Drunk driving and driving without license is liable for a heavy fine. 
3. Must park at the parking lot of our house.  Don't park at others houses or on the roads.
4. The host isn't live in Okinawa, if you have any question please send EMAIL
FacebookLINE to us in advance. 
5. We only provide shower gel, shampoo and hair-dryer. Please bring your own towels and toothbrushes. 
6. Guests are responsible for the damage or loss of any belonging to our place, we retain the right to request compensation.



(01) 室內全面禁煙!抽煙請在室外門口煙灰桶,煙蒂請勿塞入鋁罐/寶特瓶造成清潔人員困擾!
(02) 晚間10點後請保持安靜,以免打擾鄰居。因噪音被投訴將向製造噪音者求償,請務必遵守。
(03) 續住房客並不提供清潔服務,如需額外打掃需加收
(04) 請勿擅自移動屋內家具或床具,若造成損壞房東有權要求賠償。
(06) 請依照預訂人數入住,若實際入住人數比預訂的人數多,房東有權拒絕接待並無法退款。
(07) 民宿廚房提供設備與基本調味料(油、鹽、醬油)並不會提供食材,如需煮食請自行購買。
(08) 自助房源,請事先確認房屋設備,不含在房屋設施的物品無法突然要求房東提供。
(09) 注意住宿安全,外出確實關閉所有空調、瓦斯、電燈、電器電源、門窗。
(10) 務必按照說明進行垃圾分類,退房前請把垃圾放在民宿裡或是戶外大垃圾桶蓋上,請勿將垃圾放在空地、桶子外,會被烏鴉破壞,如被鄰居檢舉將產生罰款。

(11) 請勿在室內外、任何空間、房子周圍施放煙火(仙女棒除外)。會受到日本當地人檢舉報警。

*Fee for children: 0-5yrs old: up to 2 kids FREE. under 12 yrs old: half of adult's. 12 years old or older: adult rate.

*No smoking indoor! Smoking please go to ashtray outside don't put cigarette butt into bottles.

*This is a residential area, must lower voice down after 22:00, especially NO noise on the balcony or outside the house. No noisy party! Too noisy may cause neighbors to report.

*No housekeeping or new towels during the stay. (Please use washing machine and dryer.) For extra cleaning service has extra fee.

*Please don't move the furniture. Any damage or loss of any belonging of our place caused by the guests, we retain the right to request compensation.

*Please don't lose the key. Loss of the key: 6000JPY

*Only accept the same number of guests as you booked, don't add extra people without permission. We won't accommodate guests more than the house's limit.

*The kitchen is fully equipped, we have salt, oil and soy sauce. Please purchase grocery you need. List of nearby restaurants and supermarkets:

*Self check-in houses! Please check amenities in advance, we cannot provide amenities for sudden asking.

*For safety reasons, turn off air-con, lights, appliance switch, gas, and close windows when you go out.

*Resource the garbage by the Japan law. Don't leave garbage outside, there will be a fine of 1000USD if someone report it.

Don't set off fireworks, it's prohibited in Japan. Except for sparkler. 

1.於入住日期21日 (含)前取消訂房,得請求旅宿主人退還100%已付總房費。





【Cancellations of reservation by Mail】
1.Cancel up to 21 days before check-in and get a 100% refund.
2.Cancel within 7-20 days before check-in and get a 50% refund. Or choose to keep the amount for one year. (Have to make another booking within one year or it will be seen as give up.)
3.Cancel within 1-6 days before check-in or failure to inform us is non-refundable. 

(The cancellations policy follow the website which you made the reservation from.)

*For whom failed to check-in due to the flight which should be arrive at NAHA airport is delayed/postponed/cancelled because of adverse weather condition (such as typhoon, thunderstorm or other act of nature)or other severe traffic situation): The room fee of first night will be refund. 
*If you failed to check-in due to the situation of above and you booked more than 1 nights, the room fee from second night can't be refund but it will be reserved for 1 year. (Have to make up the difference of the amount if needed. If the guest don't use room deposit within 1 year it will be regarded as give up the room fee. )



Please read before booking.

All reservation made via our Official website (including Email/Facebook/Line) has to refer the policy above.

For any question about our place, please confirm with us before making a reservation.


Please read the house rules before you make the reservation.
Wish you have a pleasant journey in Okinawa!


沖繩包棟民宿,沖繩靠海民宿,ONNA OCEAN RESORT,恩納海之宿,恩納海の宿,Okinawa home stay,沖繩民宿,沖繩包棟,恩納住宿,沖繩團體旅行,沖繩自駕,沖繩景點,沖繩美食推薦,沖繩行程整理,沖繩家族旅行,沖繩親子旅遊,沖繩多人住宿,沖繩海景民宿,沖繩親子民宿,沖繩親子遊,沖繩親子友善住宿,沖繩海景房,綺麗な海Villa,綺麗之海,綺麗海villa,沖繩cozy house,恩納民泊,恩納cozy house,沖繩小團體包棟,沖繩家庭住宿,沖繩bnb,沖繩團體包棟,沖繩獨棟住宿,沖繩必住民宿,沖繩精選特色民宿,沖繩住宿推薦,沖繩景點,沖繩包棟民宿推薦,沖繩民泊,沖繩家族旅行住宿推薦,沖繩民宿台灣人推薦,沖繩獨棟別墅,沖繩獨棟房屋,沖繩恩納住宿推薦,沖繩民宿包棟,沖繩自由行住宿推薦,沖繩在地包棟民宿,沖繩獨棟別墅親子,沖繩民宿熱門清單,恩納村渡假别墅包棟出租,沖繩合法民宿,沖繩縣熱門獨棟房屋,沖繩度假屋出租,沖繩airbnb,沖繩airbnb包棟,沖繩16人包棟,沖繩airbnb海景,沖繩家族旅遊包棟,沖繩別墅小屋

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